I don't remember much of what happened and why I am in this bed, I just remember drinking a bowl of soup then passing out. I can't call out nor move, I'm weak. Slowly but surely the room was getting brighter as if I was dying, I could hear my heart monitor falling flat making a long and loud beep and then, I saw nothing but a pitch-black void full of dead people. As what seemed like years passed by my brown hair kept getting lighter until it was white hair, but that's when it happened. Eventually, I fell from the void, I fell, and I fell into a hospital bed. I pondered why I hadn't been buried or cremated yet, one of the doctors said "He's alive! I've never seen someone die then return 1 day later!". I pondered, one day? It felt like years... "It's shocking that his hair turned white so fast, huh?" I sat up and said "um excuse me doctor." But the doctor jumped back and yelled, "He can move! This is so weird!" After a chat with the doctor I learned of the poisoners and how I died and then, I knew what must be done.



Next up



Wide Brian Walking


me when the tiky

damn it actually fits

edit: since this was featured in sh*tpost central might as well point out this isn't supposed to be funny, I just wanted to share that What'd I Miss somewhat fits here

@mandomandofox my oc "Brian Anderson" the deadline is whenever you complete it, basically take as much time as you want.