3 years ago

How did a joke about bread gain over 100 members within a day and even get posted about by CROS and KniteBlarg?

Don't ask questions. Just worship the Yeast.



Next up

Btw does anyone have any good art exercises I could do to practice human anatomy and stuff? I'm trying to improve my fundamentals and I think something like that could really help ^.^

Also, lil teaser

Remember that WIP I posted a few days ago? Yeah well, I decided to start over and uh, check this out instead

(note, this really only took so long cuz I was playin a lot of Elden Ring lol)

Behold, 5 days of procrastination, and 6 hours on and off chipping away present, Undyne!

I really tried some new stuff with anatomy and perspective here, been trying to push my boundaries.

Huge thankyou to @SmudgedVolt for helpin out with pointers

Are you?


Live Steaming a first impressions of Debt Money and Death Book 1 demo by @CUPCAKEMANS


Check out the game for yourself : https://gamejolt.com/games/DEBTMONEYDEATH/540789


Might have some fun new premium stuff on the way.

Btw, what would you most like to see?

‘Say hello, Moore’

“Hello Moore”

-my headcannon and you can’t change it, this guy is precious

EVIL bread!

Used the first sketch as a base to improve upon.

I don't know what you think about it, but I'm pretty happy with this

Also, I had planned for her to have a hand over her face from the start, but I couldn't quite pull it off in the last one.