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Hi everybody -- a quick update about our #resilience game design #challenge! We're happy to share that we received entries from 10 countries representing 4 continents! We will be notifying the Finalists on July 9th. Stay tuned for more!
Update: the Spanish version of Lamplight Hollow is available for testing.
Test it if you want, BUT:
►Only the 1st section is in Spanish (& translations might be nonsense)
►Some items still in English
►Still in testing
Much more info below...
SO MANY SECRETS! How many have YOU found???
(screenshots are welcome but avoid spoilers please!)
Culture Overlord is a Finalist for the 2022 Games for Change Awards in the category of Best Learning Game. We hope to see you at the Games for Change Festival from July 13-16th!…
Do waking-world happenings occupy *your* dream-world?
We're excited to share that 'Culture Overlord' is a Finalist for the 2022 Games for Change Awards! Congratulations to all of the Finalists!
15th annual game design challenge is coming this month.
The theme is #resilience.
Register to be notified when the contest launches at:
We hope you are all doing well!
As we start the process to make LH available in Spanish we want to keep you in the loop. First: use 'Database ConVerter MV for RPG Maker MV' to extract text to spreadsheets *fingers crossed*
Follow-up: 2022 Games for Change Festival