Lamplight Hollow

4 years ago

How often do dogs show up in your dreams?



Next up

Hi everybody -- a quick update about our #resilience game design #challenge! We're happy to share that we received entries from 10 countries representing 4 continents! We will be notifying the Finalists on July 9th. Stay tuned for more!

Lamplight Hollow: asking the questions that should be asked

At Games for Change Festival showcasing 'Culture Overlord'!

A pixel game about media literacy & healthy relationships.

Wilbur is happy to be among such great company at #DreamHackAnaheim!

15th annual game design challenge is coming this month.

The theme is #resilience.

Register to be notified when the contest launches at:

We're still working to bring the full game of Sea of Roses to Game Jolt. In the meantime we've added a free browser version of the Sea of Roses DEMO

FYI: This browser version might cause memory problems. If so, you can *download* the DEMO instead. #Godot

-- Good news --

Our friends at Axolotl Translation Services have offered to translate Lamplight Hollow into Spanish!

Stay tuned for updates . . . and take care of yourselves!

New game design challenge coming this month. The theme is #resilience. Register at to be notified at launch! #gamejam

Do waking-world happenings occupy *your* dream-world?

Quiet Monday morning here ... how are things in your world?