Again I say that this is a subtitle of a video of Mr. @Fnaf_Fangames_200 so that you know how to play, let's get to it.
Joe: This character will enter through the conduit, if you hear him you will have to check the conduit and if he is looking at you you will have to turn off the light and turn it on when he turns around.

Hally: enter through the right and left door, if you see it you will have to ignore it because if you stay a long time looking at it it will kill you

Hunter: go running towards the right door, if you hear him turn off the light and you will have to light the right door until he leaves.

Emma: it will appear in the 2 doors, if you see it you will have to look at it until it leaves, and if you see it in the cameras you also have to look at it.

Austin: He will come out of a closet, if he comes out of the arnario you will have to turn off the light and move the computer mouse (not an animal, and not the game's computer mouse but your computer's mouse, to roper the 4th wall. ) we continue to what we are going ... move the mouse from one side to another until it goes away.

ELLIE: She will go through the left door, if you see her turn off the light but don't move.

Hatman: if you listen to him you will have to look for yourself through the cameras, if you find him press the Gastic Hide option in the eyes, if you see him in the office look at the cameras.

taken from one of his video section of *Golden Consejos*
Turn up the volume to hear the animatronics, so it is easier to know who is going to attack you.
In the final nights it is recommended to zoom in on the cameras where ELLIE is, so you will make her go back, bos can serve to not worry about ELLIE
support @Fnaf_Fangames_200 to continue subtitling his videos on how to avoid next time, see you another time.