oh hey it's me, Malek X aka the dude who did all editing of everything this game and now as some of you may be confused on how to play or saying the game is unfair then i am gonna explain how to play:
Shrek: he slowly moves on Cam 4, he has three phases of him in cam 4, if he leaves then look at the right in your office until he leaves
Pennywise: he starts from cam 1, if he leaves, he goes to cam 2 or 3 or 4
use the high frequency if he is in cam 2 or 3
if he is in cam 4 then hide
he does some sound cues when he leaves
Phantom baby boss: he randomly appear in your office without making any sound cue so watch out, if he did then hide for a short time
SHADOW: golden freddy clone
Cam Bug: if a cam got broken then hold the repair camera button until it gets fixed
WOH: he appear at the bottom left or bottom right in the above or below
if he is at one of the sides, look away from him, using the camera is fine as long as you dont have your screen covering him or you will die
he does some sounds when he is in the office
Useful Tips:
pennywise can't move if phantom boss baby is in the office and phantom boss baby can't move if pennywise is outside of cam 1
if shrek and phantom boss baby comes at the same time get rid of shrek first then phantom boss baby
also pennywise can go to another room instantly after being scared off