Undertale Orange: Bold and Benevolent

5 months ago

Howdy everyone! Fluff here! Welcome to the first proper devlog for Undertale Orange! Before we begin, huge thanks for 60 followers! This project has blown up a lot, and we're glad you're all willing to stick around!


As of last week, a team member left on their own terms due to a small argument over the game's story. So I am here to say that @protonoobut is no longer the lead story-writer, and has since gone to make his own game. Good luck to him! However, we have also since gained 8 new team members! Please welcome @tetemama_tuti , @Dark_Haos , @C_Anthony , thepoyoboyo, @RegularC07 , @BluSasso . Yell0w, @CurlyChopz , and Definitely Not A Ghost! They are, in order: Sprite Overhauler (explained later!), Sprite Artist, Multi-Position, Storywriter, Programmer, 2 more Storywriters, and 2 Musicians!


Yup! It's just as it sounds! Thanks to the help of @tetemama_tuti , our sprites are now being overhauled to have a better and just in general nicer look to them! The first to receive this treatment was Tyson (if you had a keen eye you might've been able to spot it on the help wanted poster!) Here's a look at it in all its glory! (You could also find this early in the discord! Insert shameless Discord plug.



We have officially started creating a Ruins demo! Yep, actually something playable! Here's an estimate of the demo's progress so far:

MUSIC: ~10% 

STORY: ~65% 




As you can see, there's not a whole lot done in the gameplay area, but most of the story and character development is done! We'll definitely have a lot more to show off next month!


Here's a look at some new sprites and music we've made for the game thus far!

To start off, uploaded to the game's soundtrack section is the 1st version of the menu theme created by @C_Anthony ! Just like in the base Undertale, more background sounds and extra will be added the further you progress and the more friends you make! 


Next up is a look at @ShadowNight_772's sprite (character originally made by @AtomicVibez ,) of a mysterious fellow, currently named Serif. He mostly remains mysterious, but ends up taking a sort of mentor role for Tyson.


Finally for this segment... Tyson can run all four directions thanks to @Dark_Haos ! Yup! No more crawling around the underground!


Wait, this isn't meant to be here, not yet...

Welp, that's all for this month everyone! Don't forget (haha silly Deltarune reference) you can join the discord for more updates! See you around guys! Stay brave! 

-The Fluffernutter.

P.S: Oh yeah, we own the Undertale Orange subreddit now!




Next up

Hey is this version fine for the demo? Don't hold up when you're going through doors because it skips the middle room lol. Will fix later, it's only an alpha. Anything left to do? DW I'll remember to upload the April Fools build and not this one lol

Saw this was a thing and decided to post this old piece that I’ve had for a while (it’s pretty much a tweaked redraw so not that good.) #SonicFriday.

Our battle system is well underway!! More progress soon, but know we're working hard!


Howdy everybody! Welcome to our 2nd Monthly Devlog! Before we begin, we'd like to thank every single one of you  for the 130 Follows on Gamejolt! Your interest has doubled since the last Devlog and it keeps all of  us motivated! (Banner art by ylcoc!)

Here's our second protagonist, Coral!

Coral isn't nearly as brave as Tyson - but she makes up for it with her unwaivering Patience!

She's very studious and loves to explore and question...

But some answers are harder to find than others...

New music videos for UTBnB - thanks to Tête, Arantii and Curly for the work into making these!

New songs dropped too!

Huh? Another human...?

I wonder where they're going...

We have our very own subreddit! It's not very full right now - but you can help Change that! Please post and get the conversation going, we can't wait to see you there : )…

Thanks to everyone who entered the coral art competition! The winners have now been announced!

VictorG (Yanduz) in first place!

Pastel in second place!

Idiommarres in third place!

Your #undertaleBnB art is amazing!
