Sebastian chapter 1
3 years ago

Howdy! I have decided to upload this game along with 2 other games and an April fools project. These will include "Zombie Maddness 3", "Super Smash Ball", "The Are You Stupid Test", and "Sebastian Chapter 1". So get ready for an explosion of content!! :-P



Next up

Hey Guys I just finished the TBAG for python.

I hope you guys can take the time to check this out

Spoilers there u go


finished the starting cut scene

Here is a free wallpaper for you guys!!!

which title screen do you like more

A: inside the casle (took me a long time to make)


B:outide (took me 2minuts and 34seconds(yes I timed it))

Hey guys, I have been thinking about making a scratch course for professional use. Any help I get from you guys would be great!

The course is for many things not just math.

hope this becomes a fnaf merch #FaveFNAFMerch