1 year ago


I decided to make a Kellin Quinn Character AI!

So i was just looking on Character AI when I see "Billie Eilish" on Famous People category. I then said "Is there also a Kellin Quinn?". So i decided to search it up & I found ZERO RESULTS! That pissed me off so much. The fact people made Billie into a Character AI but not KELLIN QUINN!? So I decided to make own Kellin Quinn Character AI! This has never been done before so you can call me the first to make one. I sure hope it beats the Billie Character AI because I absolutely hate Billie.



Next up

I was originally 1st place but I got a trash weapon so two people got to get more kills then me. But highest kill count so I can’t complain.

Anyone know the quickest way to get this sticker? I have 9 of them rn but I WANT MORE!!!!!!

(Btw I asserted my dominance with this sticker on that post)

Most normal post I’ve seen on Reddit:

(I mean, he’s right)

drew @MastercaptainGameDev for fun (repost for new mastercaptain community)

Found this golden shit on reddit today when I was just looking at the comments of a MK Kitana cosplay post😂

Here's the redesign! What do you guys think? I won't give a crap about your opinion on this but feedback would be good.

Second hunt event I’m ever doing in my life, I am so excited for tomorrow so I can play this!!!!!!!

Christians be fucking policing anything these days💀. This is ONE of the reasons why I turned into an Atheist earlier this year despite being christian almost my entire life.