8 months ago


i decided this simply NEEDS a remake cuz its kinda ass, so here i go spending the next hour making a long ass post lmao

once again, lots of Undertale related stuff is here

so, the start of the story is pretty much the same, and rather than typing it out, im just gonna copy and paste it while fixing grammar errors, this one is also made to be more fitting to UnderFNAS (my and @Manic0626 's AU)


the story starts a bit like FnaS, but with some diffrences, clone Tails was a lot into mechanic stuff, like his creator, but also a bit of a science guy, one time he tried to built a portal as he had a theory about alternative universes, but an error happened, and he ended up in the Undertale universe and woke up in Snowdin, he was understandably confused, so he started exploring, all of the monsters he saw along the way mostly ignored him, assuming he was a monster as well, and eventually ended up face to face with sans, who welcomed him, clone Tails was rightfully skeptical of both him and Papyrus initially, after all, he was in an entirely different universe, and wasn't sure if he could trust them, but over time, as they gave him shelter and food, became friends with them, Sans, believing he could trust clone Tails, taught him his abilities, so clone Tails learned to teleport (or as Sans would put it, shortcuts), use bone magic, Gaster Blasters (nicknamed clone Blasters), etc etc, he even dressed like sans as he saw him as a good teacher and friend, and also learned a few puns, he became like Sans, loving to make bad puns, although not very good at coming up with them (and much to Papyrus' annoyance), eventually, clone Tails learned an ability of his own: Universe travel, so he was able to go back to his own, as well as return to the Undertale universe at any time, by the time he was finally able to return to FnaS' universe, he was a completely different person, the other clones, clone Sonic, clone Mario and clone Yoshi were intrested in Undertale's timeline, so clone Tails took them for a visit once, and they managed to learn abilities from other characters, clone Sonic learned from Papyrus to use bone magic (to Papyrus' level) as well as the ability to create traps like Papyrus', clone Yoshi learned from Undyne, gaining significantly increased physical endurance and strength, the ability to cast magical spears, and learning from someone who can literally suplex a boulder just for the heck of it, became as hard as a rock, while clone Mario didn't learn any noteworthy abilities (as Alphys does not fight you on Undertale, we don't know how powerful she really is), but became extremely intelligent (around as intelligent as clone Tails), Sans and Papyrus remained good friends with clone Tails, and he often visited them, as well as being able to be called into the Undertale universe in the case he was needed for an emergency, like a Genocide Route


clone Tails became quite similar to Sans in many ways aside from abilities, as already mentioned, he dresses like Sans, while he will often joke around, he does it less during a fight, and not at all during a genocide fight, and you're asking for a really bad time if you try to harm his friends

clone Tails is significantly more powerful than Sans (about 5 times stronger) and has the ability to use blue attacks, orange attacks, green attacks (which heal, and can be used by his entire arsenal) as well as a unique black attack, these can only be used by bones and hit for 5 DMG per frame rather than 1

clone Tails treats people he first meets with respect, and will attempt to befriend them, he'll understand if you don't want to be friends with him, but he does not hold back if you do something bad, he'll try to remain calm, but harm his friends and you're asking for a bad time

clone Tails is also uniquely unaffected by resets, meaning that a reset will not affect him and he'll have full memory of previous timelines, however, a true reset will still affect him normally

clone Tails also learned to time travel and knows about his withered, phantom, and nightmare variations, he also knows of the Toy animatronics, and does nothing to prevent the FnaS timeline from happening, as he's aware that they are secretly sentient, and wants them to live their lifes out

while clone Tails is good friends with all of the toys, he's espesically good friends with Toy Tails, in fact, he even has a crush on her, he acts calm around her, but deep down is nervous as to not embarass himself in front of her, and the only person other than him that knows this is Sans, who, despites hating to make promises, promised clone Tails to not tell anyone

as clone Tails is not good at coming up with puns, Sans has gave him a joke book to read in his free time

clone Tails has also learned abilities from other monsters, like Undyne, although he's usually around the skelebros, that doesn't mean he dislikes other monsters, he's pretty much neutral with them, with enough research, he also found out how determination works, and often helps Alphys with it, although she's pretty nervous when he's around, as he knows of the amalgamates

clone Tails, not being a monster, also is able to have a lot more determination than Undyne, more than 10 times, before he starts having issues with it

clone Tails is hardly ever angry, and is hard to scare, he also refuses to kill people unless they try to kill him or his friends first, if they just provoke him, he will warn them, and will injure them should they ignore the warning, but never outright kill them

clone Tails is pretty well known in the underground, and liked by everyone in the underground, during Genocide, he will try to stop you early once you kill Papyrus, but won't go fully out until the last corridor

either by traveling to other universes himself, or from them doing it, clone Tails has met Manic and Mezosoom (OCs of @Manic0626 and @MezoSoom respectively) and they, along with Sans and @SunnehBoiOfficial form the Speed Time Quintet

another reason clone Tails is afraid of others knowing his crush on TT (short for Toy Tails) is because, while sentient, she's still an animatronic, and afraid the others would find it odd that he has a crush on a robot

clone Tails also some times dresses as swap Papyrus to look different than Sans (mostly when his regular clothes are in the washing machine)

clone Tails also knows of other FnaS universes like NfaM (Nightfall at Mario's) and FnaS redacted, and they look very intresting to him, so you can often find him watching them through a portal, and as much as he wants to, he doesn't visit them, not wanting to disrupt their timeline

obviously, having looked into alternate timelines, clone Tails is aware of other Undertale AUs, like Underswap, Underfell, Storyshift and more, typically, he does not visit evil AUs like Underfell, and doesn't like any evil version of the Undertale cast, the only one he finds even slightly okay is Dusttale, as he knew that Sans (from the AU) was left with no choice, not to mention that if clone Tails was in his place (which he is in another timeline), seeing all the previous timelines of his own death would make him go insane as well

clone Tails also knows of alternate versions of himself, like swap CT, Fell CT and more (although as of right now, Dust CT, Killer CT and Insanity CT are the only AU versions of CT to have an official design)

clone Tails spends his free time reading the joke book Sans gave him, looking into other AUs, and chilling in Grillby's with Sans

clone Tails also has a youtube channel titled CloneTails (you all know the content, so no need to say it)

clone Tails has also paid a visit to Undertale Yellow's timeline, and befriended a lot of the characters there, some times going to visit the timeline as he found it a very nice place to be in

clone Tails also visited Deltarune (its not considered a sequel to Undertale, so instead of time traveling, he universe traveled) and befriended Kris, Susie, Ralsei, Lancer, Berdly and Noelle, although, knowing of the Snowgrave route, he keeps an eye on Kris

in the future (aka DeltaFNAS, which is a sequel to UnderFNAS) clone Tails managed to gain the courage to ask Toy Tails out, and to his delight, she agreed, and they've been even more inseperable since

and thats fucking it :D

took me forever to remake it, but im happy with how it turned out

that being said, the old version is no longer canon, this one is now canonical to CT

thank you for reading, and have a good day :D



Next up

"this is worse than the time I met Underfell Sans"

I'm making a country

This will be the flag

my apolocheese for the vast amount of war crimes i have comitted

TS!UNDERSWAP Demo v2.0.0 Released

Stupid but lovable

Dev Update - April 2024

Wtf lmao

I may feel like shit

But it won't stop me from posting cat

Dev Update - December 2024

As Markiplier once said