1 year ago


now that i have more followers. there's higher chance to find someone who will actually code and help up with making the game come to life and playable!

Friend me On gamejolt or discord if you want to help


2 coders needed

both of them need to have gamemakerstudio full version

2 animators

[until i've learned to officially animate, i need people to help]

1 concept artist

[to help with ideas]



Next up

ambush :3

I've regained most of my motivation so i'm drawing 2011x / Obituary [fnf]

Stay Tuned! - FwGJ

{Also @Bibbidii I saw your post, Don't worry, if you ever want to chat about it, just dm me or friend me on discord if you have it. fwgj_yt_cf]

Scary hedgehog, I think

vent art:

around my mouth feels like a puppet mouth.. and i drew this.

I might do more art where i draw things based on how i feel.

you wouldn't want this kind of fuck to come to you at night....

Black impostor doodle!

I finished!

Hope yall like it.

Majin Sonic Boss From Sonic FGX Ultimate

so i was messing about with one of my girlfriends [daily reminder of my polyamouras]

and i made this fucking shit.

I love and hate it at the same time.