Friday Night Funkin: Casino Catastrophe! (Ourple A-Sides)

9 months ago



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I actually think this was a really fun tech map, but for the sake of it being camellia, AAARGH MY ARmS HAVE RAN OUT OF BAtTTERY; THIS MAP TOOK MY S O U L AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get to know your enemy 3/4 Name: Daniel Theron Occupation: Security Guard Gender: Male

the last map I cleared before becoming the top 8000 global and top 3000 americans in BeatLeader

also I did a thing and fully learned bursts, so go me for that too


Get to know your enemy 1/4 Name: Aaron Artel Alias: Vern Guy Occupation(s): Casino Owner, Accountant. Gender: Male

Get to know your enemy 2/4 Name: Bryce Hinman Occupation: Bouncer/Guard Gender: Male

new record for most popular vid on my channel even though it's a very small number

spin rhythm progress

eventually I'll send these vids over to YT, but I need to at least get to level 50 difficulty before then

while I'm able to do level 40s kinda, I still have difficulty completing the "less difficult" level 30s


oh hey I'm the first person to clear this map so that's cool