3 years ago
https://gamejolt.com/p/https-jummbus-bitbucket-io-j4n07unnamedn310s0k0l00e0it2gmva7g0ij-4hhdv9gf link to the post where i linked crystal synth. you can tinker with it if ya want
Next up
It's finally out.
you asked for it @TheFunnyMelMan
giggly hortez certified food
v2.0.0 is finally out, with some cool updates that improve the game!
gamejolt fan: gamejolt has no bugs!
gamejolt: yes we will use a generic text font AND stretch all the icons. definitely not a bug.
Welcome, partner.
mission succesful
new updateeee soon
Sneak peek for v3.0.0 lol
Hey there! I entered robloxnoob101's 700 follower dmc (draw my character). What do you guys think of my entry?
What should I add? Please post feedback in comments.