1 month ago


Hhow. My 2 other ugljes got twisted ithink

// theres mentions of Suicide , overdose and substance abuse in da article ,,,

(Image unrelated)

  • The one of the warnings was pretty self explanatory ,,, err. Both of em get twisted cuz of suicide

  • Icant think of How it would happen for Cammie tho. Like im RLLY uncertain on how i think they would die but while i was planning on him i was thinking that he fucking kills himself or smth so for unless i come up w/ something else thats how hes gnna die sorry Cammie

  • For Artie tho ??? Yall know by now thagt im fixated on dis bitch yknow theres gnna be a lot

  • Basically to make a long mfing story short. Artie overdosed on his meds

  • While fhe whole ichor project was going on, he was constantly getting paranoid on what was going to happen to him and if hes gnna even have a future and this went far to the point where he couldnt even take it anymore, so he found his meds and day after day he kept taking more and more pills than he was supposed to, trying to keep calm, but in reality he was slowly killing himself. then it got bad to the point where he took too much that he was found dead in his room with the bottle in his hands, half empty.

aaaand dats it



Next up

Um ???,

Yea i love thisgame holy sjit

Lalalalala @FlashTheCat hai oomf

We can leave the lights onnn. Sun taan /ref

Idk man i think i genuinely need 2 actually learn how 2 toughen up but idojt know HOW !!!!IT SUCKS ASS

UM ????

Hi jock two time ily jock two time /p


Cool caption or smth uhh. Seeker