Fun Times at Homer's Bonus Games / Other games Collection
1 month ago

Seems like Fazplumbers Multiverse is now Official!

Hopefully this means the director of the project will help in a second game, it would be fun



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Oh yea here is a old comic i meant to show once ftah3 released lol

Suitcage gets too excited to meet his fans

working on something

Here is another joke thing I did during FTaH3's development, sometimes I forget how many jokes we did during the game's development lol

Welcome to Fazplumber's Plumhouse! Where crossover brings new friendships to life!

not really sure why I made this, but I liked how it looked lol

Play Fazplumbers Multiverse here!

Oh man i forgot that dripcage existed back when drip was still popular lol

Mario Fazplumber is offering you a pencil.

working on something (part2)

Just got this picture from when me and @HakuVihh meet in person, that week was awesome for sure, wanted to share this

Ok, just to let you guys know, Fazplumber's by @NickPerson is now the official reboot of Five Nights at Mario's.

mario sunshine