in Zeasverse
there is the butcher or the meat place,
and you'll meet them, they're always at hard work hanging, cutting killing, animal meat or human/ character meat it doesn't matter
pronouns: They/them ,straight
no one can really tell if they're female or male the butcher is just a butcher, the outfit is quite simple, they love the color red equaling blood and love
you're unable to acquire Love since they are.... Too aggressive
their fingernails and teeth are pitch black due to genetics
unfortunately they butchered their parents it was just a gene in their head, they are quite friendly if you don't seem like a piece of meat to them
C-{Restricted}: Very nice and gentle to her after all she is the Creator, always loves to bring weekly, gifts
ZEA: great status together, especially since she's a shark that can help catch fish
Max : they are always trying to, cut up and shred him up Because he is deer meat
( two more character interactions but)
they has deep hatred for them, They cannot stand... For their living