3 years ago

https://gamejolt.com/p/should-i-make-a-lore-reveal-or-do-you-want-to-discover-it-yourself-mp433hvv (for the da queen sequal and all further planned da queen sequals (choose wisely))



Next up

Dr. Eggman

Look at him he's so silly!

"Maybe post an announcement on Gamejolt that it will be releasing soon. No specific date though pls just in case something happens" - @XanTheRock

quick fanart of the bisexual iconic couple @Molty_Toasty69 @KoolCirby

Nathey mod V1 is gonna be lit fam 💀 (Not even the rest of the Team has this asset yet LOL also its not finnished rendering properly)


I did some sketches yesterday on what her oc design could possibly look like, and I found one i liked.

So heres Floofy the dustbunnie!

@Katvex Please make the Violent Blue-haired Kid and cat that simps for everything.

When was the last time I posted

"Theres a new Gal in town!"

Lol i drew my oc.

Yeah. This mod still exists (believe it or not) and is still being worked on (believe it or not) to show that we are doing stuff (believe it or not) have this song made by our excellent composer Xan!!!! (this is inspired by Mandella Catalogue btw)