4 months ago


man i wish i can do the same sounds as the fortnite default dance song

kirby nightmare in dreamland soundfont:



Next up

GramApple is so funny

this is my favorite cllip 🤣🤣🤣

(sorry my computer and internet is a LITTLE bit slow)

[last one FR this time, forgot i had this in my files and forgot to post it,]

tyler ish song thingy

sorry for the bad quality i did it because i didnt want to mix it (lazy) so i just put a filter to make it sound like it was recorded on a phone or smth

Tried making a song like a Flower Boy like song

or just a Tyler the creator song im not sure

Not so good mixing as my headphones were damaged a bit but im getting it fixed today

just something i made on the side working on another thing

“you sir

are a fish”

what if we kissed on the tyler the creator mugshot bed ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

i fucking hate this

Tyler the creator if he was gay:

I’m literally eating mayonnaise right now

a short tune trying to sound like something off the Wolf album

this is literally tyler the creator eating mayonags