3 years ago

https://gamejolt.com/p/will-post-a-video-on-this-score-soon-this-map-and-song-s-a-banger-sjiznnpy The gameplay from that post (don't ask how I fced like 1/4 of the map)



Next up

meowscles bi confirmed???

Wait gamejolt's supporting nfts on their platform???

Cactus Farm is fully complete and functional (8x4x2 or 64 cactus plants), and the sugar cane farm is a wip (I will randomly post updates about my minecraft world here) [1]

welp so I may have picked up another dead community and made a simple but fitting banner for it 👉👈

This is probably the least attractive character, how does one even like them???

no but this map FINALLY got ranked!! I haven't played in a while and this map is 4 minutes but it's really good


What was I on making this in 2019???

Bling Bang Bang Born on OSU - Death Mod

My Mashle addiction got out of hand and I found myself wanting to FC this! It took a few days but I managed to record a take I was satisfied with.

Consider this my send off to Mashle S2! PRAYING FOR S3 SOON

Did they add this for pride month or has this always been there?