3 months ago


Ugh, my computer’s gone again and I STILL didn’t finish the prologue! I was so close too!

You know what? I’ll finish it tomorrow morning, before I go to school.

Good night everyone.



Next up

Working on my first attack for Artfight!

@Status_anxiety I don’t know what some of these mean, but I did it anyway.

Which one would you choose?

[Stolen from someone on YT]

The 5 stages of Vita's hunger.

My first attack of @Leo-Art08 for Artfight!

This is my favorite character of yours :]

Some side perspective practice I did at school!

@BPBakugan I dunno who you are, but I followed you because we apparently have some things in common.

Also you don’t seem too bad.

This is from I think four days ago? Five? Idk anymore…

Color practice 🌈

Hand practice!