10 days ago

https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/950063400 my day has been very long from the car ride to the rental house me and my family are staying at, and i JUST remembered to release the timster update!

have fuhn



Next up

official viewsonic's house character redesigns

viewsonic redesign because vista said i could own this silly guy


I made this for the viewsonic remaster earlier and I really really like how it looks


I should probably add that no progress was made for swaghouse mode (such as sprites, gameplay, or other variations of songs) and this was really all that was created for it before deciding to scrap the mode altogether

i was bored so i made a mario recolor similar to smg4 and other mario blooper recolors

his name is SSM2

maybe he'll be used in things

maybe he wont

he probably will though because humor

have you guys watched leaky updates 1 it was amazing i hope the grinch reappears in later installments to this thrilling franchise


Toddy games wiki

Feel free to help by adding characters onto it or editing existing pages or whatever, but keep it toddy games related!!

I myself will likely also add pages from time to time

as if sml wasn’t a stupid enough source material to use for a horror fnf song

now we have basically the exact same song but with the annoying orange

dont get me wrong it’s well made and all but judging by athos making people remember sml existed…..