22 days ago


This is both the best and worst choice I've made. Have fun asking me stuff anonymously.



Next up

@Stardust_2114 take a look at this.

Made my first piece of Frutiger Aero art. Is it good?

Feature announcement:

We’re setting the calming tone for our browser with a built-in playlist.

Initium Browser will bring back the nostalgia of the 2000s with its music and wallpapers.

I love her design so I decided to draw it @JustMiki hope you like

#GJAsks Homebrewed Nintendo 2ds/3ds XL.

It has a lot of raw, unrestricted power. And I just love tapping into that potential as much as possible.

Happy birthday tam!!!


A long time ago, I planned to make a horror game called "Hide and Seek".

The protagonist would've been a weeb whose "waifu" manifests in the real world to avenge the anime girls he had put in jars.

And this was a concept drawing of the "waifu"

This is the second game that I’m developing on a different device. It’s going to be a 3d puzzle platformer game.

Fight me you polygonal bastard.

I couldn’t think of any poems to write recently.