Underswap Snowstorm / Campfire
4 months ago



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Welp it was almost a month so new stuff being published Jamie battle sprite (US SS)

Hi, Dinek here! So, our story got a huge improvment and because of it I wanted to show you a bit a retouch of our designs. I hope you like it! ps. art with those designs is made by me ^^

Y2K Papyrus on his way to blow the ZA in yo face.

Starlo!! :D




Don't think we forget we're not all about snowy nights and snowstorms.

silly chara and frisk sketch

Alr so, I want to post here all design for this game (few changes can be done) but rest is final (arts in this post done by Dinek)

Hi everyone, dinek here.

So first lets say that outloud: I've came back to finish what I started! And also I'm working on something that has never been done before, and that is OFFICIAL MANGA FOR SNOWSTORM.

NYEH HEH HEH! (Practicing with drawing Papyrus because I don't draw him enough!)

Our songs' status in DUSTTRUST (Jan 8th 2022):

How It All Began - finished

Menu Theme - finished

HL - started, not finished

MR - finished

SiTS - finished

Determination - finished

Divine Terror - not planned yet

The End - finished