Yoshio's MONOchrome Life (YMCL)

2 years ago Episode 16 is finally out!

I'm so sorry it took this long to release the episode! A lot happened, I took a day off on my birthday and I really regret it because I had a bunch of technical issues, got attacked by a bunch of spiders and bees, and was working on another story for another project, and got some injuries, felt sick a few times, and had a lot of stuff to think about... but I also took too many breaks and lost track of time while playing games. I really wanted to just make this episode a 2 part but I had already made up my mind so I decided not to. Sorry about the rant but hey, the episode's finally out! I should be able to release the next episode in 10 days but honestly who knows at this point. The final crayon is upon us! Bye!



Next up

Did I go too far on the poster this time? No, absolutely not. It's a perfectly legible poster.


I lost count of how many posters i made a while ago

Poster! Yeah!

quick uh poster

Poster time.