Yoshio's MONOchrome Life (YMCL)

2 years ago Episode 17 (Part 1) is out!

Yep... It's a 2 parter... I did a vote for if I should delay or make it a 2 parter as you already know 2 parts was chosen. I'll release part 2 in 10 days. This week has also been hectic... My mouse AND headphones broke this week and I only got them replaced today. My time is being gobbled up more and more so it's harder to work on this. But luckily or perhaps even somewhat sadly, we're getting close to the end of MONO's journey. Wait what they died?!?! Oh nevermind false alarm. They're the main character of course they didn't die. DUH! The final crayon is so close I can almost taste it! Doesn't taste very good though... Like wax and a lazy google image of a crayola crayon that doesn't fit the crayon drawn style of the comic at all but maybe was intentional to give a pop to it but isn't needed anyway since it's almost always given a glowing aura to be more noticeable- Man, that is one strange taste. Anyway, goodbye!



Next up

Poster! Yeah!

I lost count of how many posters i made a while ago

quick uh poster


Did I go too far on the poster this time? No, absolutely not. It's a perfectly legible poster.

Poster time.