Yap and Yell: Louder!

8 days ago



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Trailer 2 Summarized:

Another piece of beloved cardboard has been replaced today....the out of stock sign...

Louder (Halloween) Dev Update: the 10th month...october.....spooky... did it, Louder got to 200 followers before the end of the month and for is your reward..stay tuned..

Heres a silly thing you should look out for if your on the discord server, sometimes you might see my game status go to playing Louder!

Yap and Yell: Louder Trailer 2 "Going to Work"

if ur feelin down today just remember,..friend shaped being is always there :3

that sounds a little familiar..

pov: my life for the past week

Fun fact about the design of Louder, its based off how Popgoes Evergreen had a more realistic take than the original. This wasn't even intentionally taking inspiration we just did this and thought we should keep with this idea for the rest of development.