3 years ago


Part 2 of my playthrough of TWHL Tower 2.

If you're enjoying the videos, you might try subscribing to my channel. I'll be posting one every day at 12:00 noon and 8:00 pm eastern standard.

Subscribe here : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3s3a9U09g5xVymIlg0BS3g It's be much appreciated.




Next up


No characters yet, but some I'm planning to include would be Myself, Alicia, the GUIDANCE cast, Cassey from Clossure, and perhaps some others? Though I think those would have my work cut out for me lol

Might have some fun new premium stuff on the way.

Btw, what would you most like to see?

Behold, 5 days of procrastination, and 6 hours on and off chipping away present, Undyne!

I really tried some new stuff with anatomy and perspective here, been trying to push my boundaries.

Huge thankyou to @SmudgedVolt for helpin out with pointers

Mr Crowbar Man

Remember that WIP I posted a few days ago? Yeah well, I decided to start over and uh, check this out instead

(note, this really only took so long cuz I was playin a lot of Elden Ring lol)

Drew Gordon Freeman! :D

Used the first sketch as a base to improve upon.

I don't know what you think about it, but I'm pretty happy with this

Also, I had planned for her to have a hand over her face from the start, but I couldn't quite pull it off in the last one.

Can't believe I made this the thumbnail for the Art Archive channel yet never actually reposted it to the Art Archive Channel.

Well, if they can do Christmas in July I guess I can post Halloween in Late June lol

I figured to start off the LCS Art Archive, the best thing to do would be to share the first art I ever made in my current style!

I'd never tried to go for a painting vibe before, and it turned out way better than I thought I could even do ^.^

Live Steaming a first impressions of Debt Money and Death Book 1 demo by @CUPCAKEMANS


Check out the game for yourself : https://gamejolt.com/games/DEBTMONEYDEATH/540789