5 days ago


Thank you all for the support for the past 4 months.
@Nephryte thank you for letting me playtest the modifiers update and making a banger thumbnail! genuinely appreciated it! ^w^

(VERIFIED, FOR REAL THIS TIME) Chuck E. Cheese: Rebooted, Charmified! | Eternal Charmification
After 4 fucking months, it's finally verified. It's finally done. I'm so fucking happy that i beat this mode, after some mindbreaks and being demotivated at ...



Next up


So after a few hours went by, TheBones5 has made his apology video for the Max Mode List community.

(Read Article for more.)

Welcome to the UNBEATEN FNaF game of Post shift custom night, in this video I beat 22/20 mode Which is the highest amount that anyone has done Now I will try and see how far this game can go before it becomes impossible or possible


Maybe a 2.0 Update for TRtS: Custom(er) Night might happen if i don't procrastinate.

We are back with the IMPOSSIBLE game of post shift custom night, this time I have been able to beat 23/20 mode. I added another heavy camera threat camera into the night that I explain his mechanic within the video


I’m really overwhelmed that my Eternal Charmification verification video has over 500 views, 50+ likes, and 60+ comments congratulating me in a single day, I’m really overwhelmed with that. Those 4 months have finally paided off, thank you everyone.

Full resolution for trts custom(er) night 2.0 update lol!!! Better than playing in a 4;3 aspect ratio. Decent chance that i might bring back some of the character's old hm mechanics back, but i'll tweak some things to make it not unfair.

We have arrived at a BIG checkpoint of reaching 5000 points in the IMPOSSIBLE GAME Reaching 5000 points was my original goal with the game but now that I am here I feel like we can go EVEN further and try to fight towards 30/20


TheBones5 is a bad guy?!?!?!?

I have a challenge for you, bones. How about you stop harassing people, especially Nephryte and be a normal person!