4 years ago

So here we are, releasing our first game soon. Our Steam Store page is up and a demo is available to download on Steam. Any feedback is welcome, let's squash some bugs together!




Next up

Release trailer for Bugvasion TD, the game is coming out in two days on Steam, we can't wait to show you what we have been working on!

We had a month-long pause because of other projects but we are back on track, we even have a new programmer in our team so development should speed up significantly. Watch out for more updates!

Big boss attack, work in progress

Full Screen Games logo animation ready

Concept art for one of the bonus levels, inspired by the teleport from Cronenberg's The Fly

Good morning from the kitchen! Another level design almost done.

To all the bug-squashers out there, have a great Monday and a fruitful week!

Say hello to our new robot mascot!

Idle loop animation for our mechanized friend

Only a month away from release, Bugvasion TD is coming soon, we are really happy about how it's turning out, can't wait to show you!