Dream Tear - Elementar Rising 2 - Atom Maker
5 years ago

Dream Tear 2 - getting a Gold edition -


Been a while since an update, guess that earlier one never dropped. Well, here's what's been happening guys. There's a massive new version dropping later which will feature, new boss variations, fixes, extras etc. I have a vid here showing off some of the new boss variations, get good at the original older version, cause this one, I feel is gonna take you guys for a ride.

On a side note - Phytrixia says hi again.

There has also been a big update for the first title in the series the visual novel RPG, Dream Tear Elementar Rising.

There is also a new demo for the 3rd installment, however there have been some massive udpates to the full version from what the current demo holds.

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Next up

No more fixes for DTER2 patches etc.

Might be moving Yandere Limit 1 to smile game builder, the same engine Yadere Limit SO is being made in. I'll keep you all posted, but so far it's all running REALLY smoothly. #yandere #yanderelimit #horror #smilegamebuilder

An updated shot of the battle scene found in the Alpha. Things will be looking better the next update!

A tune from YL2, named Ink Storm. If there's any other take away from this series is it's music lol. Can't wait for you all to hear where it plays!

Here's a teaser image displaying a mysterious character, who it is though will be revealed in the new update later! Guess this version really will have a lot more coming to the table.

Hey guys, on the eve of a new release, I came across an old manga episode I had made of DT2 which followed the start up to a boss. Thought I'd toss this out to help with the wait. Always epic looking back.

A small teaser of music from Night 2 of Yandere Limit Sleepover.

The Yandere Limit Definitive Edition now is Extended edition.

Introducing Yandere Limit HD.

Yandere Limit Extended edition is live!

Aiko Misa voice added!