I've been recently working on the game and I decided to add some mechanics I was wanting to do since the First Quest. Some of the changes include:
-Combat is more similar to what you see in RPGs, especially Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy Legends
-Maria has a life system that goes down when she is hit. You are given only 2HP but you don't game-over if you die
-Due to GBS's latest update, I'm now able to put more options on a menu, so the Wooden Mirror has in-battle function
-Instead of a single boss fight at the end, there will be 5 in total (one at each Relic, and a final battle with 2 forms)
-Since you now you can lose battles, the game won't be linear anymore, it will feature different endings based on how many battles you lost
A large amount of work is being put on the dialogues that are richer and more numerous, and in the setting that is more consistent but keeps the feeling of the First Quest.