We went from 3.9k subs on Youtube to 5.1k subs in just 2 days. Amazing effort! As promised, the sewer tracks are now up on our Youtube channel :)!
Next up
Dark Deception [Enhanced] - Chapter 2 Trailer
Get your ducks in a row. Chapter 3 is approaching.
The Yandere Simulator DLC is coming soon. #yanderesimulator #darkdeception
6 more days until Dark Deception Chapter 4 releases!
What could these be? They look kind of familiar.
Who will win?
If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
Just a reminder that Dark Deception Complete is on sale during Steam Summer Sale!ā¦
One more item. Because I'm getting asked the same questions repeatedly, here's a handy FAQ :)!
New screenshot!