5 years ago

Status update... and our new Early Access trailer!


Hi everyone,

Are you still looking forward to Minotaur? As some of you may already know, we’ve solved our OST issues, and I’m happy to say that the soundtrack will be available upon game release (and we managed to keep it intact too). It will include every track from Nod’s route, and there are about 20 of them, almost all coming from different artists.

Unfortunately, a few problems have also come up during the review process (on some of the platforms), which we’re dealing with at the moment, but I can assure you tha…


I honestly don’t know. But we’re doing everything we can to bring you Nod’s route ASAP! So please bear with us for just a little longer. Hopefully our new trailer will manage to sustain your interest - do check it out when you have time, I hope you’ll like it! Just in case, here’s the link again:

And of course, I’ll make sure to keep you updated on the latest Minotaur news : )


Nick & u7committee



Next up

Mentor's route is... released!!

Progress report: Thea's route is nearing completion!!

It's almost ready! Preparing Mentor's route for release...

Finally!! A yearly update! The results of 2022...

Progress update! Working on Thea's route...

Another progress update! Still working...

Thea's route demo is released! And Richie's route path A is almost ready...

A development update!

Here's a peaceful little forest scene for this #screenshotsaturday, from the beginning of the game.