I therefore declare the 14th day of every month to be the "Angel Date", as to pay respect for Megumi and Sariel (even though the latter is not frequently mentioned by the Touhou community, and the former is an OC I created based on the latter, and there's nobody except me mention this character a lot). On these days, please turn on every version of Now, Until the Moment You Die and loop it 104 times, and feel the heavenly eargasm you will get from that experience.
Honestly, when I hear any version of Now, Until the Moment You Die, after a certain time hearing it (especially the vocal cover or the looped version), I began to feel my body becoming hotter and hotter and a burning sensation inside my body, that would cause my body to burn into nothing... Was it my imagination? Or was it authentic religious ecstasy? I can't even understand my life after I discovered and accept Megumi as my waifu.