Fazbear Nightmare
5 years ago

Kai Knick's let's play of preview B
Show some love to the testers :)


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Next up

Blep, incase you havent seen it before

Some of the Midnight VR WIP screenshots! Hope to have a build up for testing VERY soon, all that's left is fixing the AI everything else is done To play this you will need a PC HMD with motion controls, I also am looking at a Quest port but no gurentees

Power systems have been improved Clock added to the office Foxy is alive Just some of the changes coming to Alpha 7

Midnight VR is in active development alongside Alpha 7. I've been working on a toolkit to more easily make everything work in Roomscale :) also hopefully Co-op!! (current character is a bit short but fixing that)

Working on the campaign select screen. Looking to also add a stars system on the preview image

Dev progress photos

Alpha 7's stretch goals are coming along really well!!!

Anyone who's played the "Final Nightmare" story build knows that FNaF 3 was missing somthing. Introducing the new PRONE VENTS!!! Now in development Crawl atround to your hearts content but becareful you're never really sure if you're alone

Redesigning the location to better help the gameplay flow and add new areas :) Next release should really shake things up and give you something special