pvz idk | A pvz fangame
2 years ago

Pvz beta 2-1 is hard… for obvious reasons

I spent 30 minutes on this single level...(pvz brutal/beta mod)
go to, beat the game, and laugh at how unskilled i amnewspaper zombies now move even faster after losing newspaper and can crush plantspuffshro...



Next up

lighting up the hopeless darkness

it's been a long time...

Here, have this plantern

Sunflower Evolution

the pause menu!

More progress on the Player's House stage. btw PvZ CI gamepage exists now.

new map

smoother animations & better effects coming to pvz idk?!

A new zombie for Summer-day! Cellphone zombie! Every 8 seconds he stuns 2 random plants for 12 seconds


Новый зомби для локации Лето-день! Зомби с телефоном! Каждые 8 секунд он оглушает 2 случайных растения на 12 секунд

new plant: little sprout!

turns into a random plant after 30s.

when a plant is grafted onto it the plant grows immediately and does not fall asleep

when it is grafted onto other plants it turns into a random plant immediately