Japanese Conveyor Belt Sushi Menu ー Cheese Burgers, Steak, Ramen? ★ ONLY in JAPAN
Japan's conveyor Belt Sushi restaurants called kaitenzushi 回転寿司 in Japanese are a favorite with everybody. Yes, I said everybody! From babies and young kids,...



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Lightsaber Duel!



May the 4th be with you‼

Rizumu Tsukino(Birth Name: Grace Francisca)🦊🦦

Submitted by @CathMagicPenguinMobius05

How about a crossover game between Sonic the Hedgehog and Jet Set Radio? Sega, make it happen.



Happy National Foundation Day!


My favorite #StarWarsGame is Disney Infinity 3.0!

Satoshi Kanemaru / Spider-Wolf

Sprites - (C) Characters @BranDiezel259

For @BranDiezel259

I can't quite remember exactly how I said #HelloThere to Star Wars for the first time. However, the earliest memory I can think of was playing Star Wars Trilogy Arcade at Chuck E. Cheese.