
6 years ago

HUD (interface of life and mana) in the jungle of succubes



Next up


Tutoriel + Dance Dance Revolution


If you find this place in my game, you will unlock a bonus story related to pride :P

(However, I warn you, for now, the game is only in French, but if you can translate my game, feel free to propose) PS : Happy Pride Month everyone <3

La nouvelle version sort avec sont lot de petite nouveauté La save a encore été bidouillé pour réparer les bugs

Une nouvelle option est maintenant disponible pour les daltonien :P

Chaos or Order

Did you know that today is #InternationalJazzDay? 🎷😎

No? 😯 Well, we couldn't pass up this date!

And what better to celebrate this day than #Pecaminosa #OST? 🎷

Let us know what you think about it and have a great weekend!

Path of Kami: The Evolution of the Lore

Strange Umbrella

In the quest for accessibility, I'm adding Resurrection Shrines for players on the 'novice' end of the platforming spectrum.

In order to unlock the power of a Shrine, you must collect 3 'Souls' from your dead corpses! (the floating blue orbs)