The Bite!

8 months ago

I am going to start streaming on YouTube

dev streams..

I am going to begin streaming on a separate account

I will be streaming games with friends, and development streams of my games, that means you will be able to see the bite before its finished! and keep a huge eye on the game.

Although, dev streams on the bite will be less often and unannounced.
As i feel showing as much off as i do, i will be limiting what i am developing when i am in the project during streams.

I am very excited to begin, and i will also except anyone who wants to join, just ask under this post, youll have a little avatar that you can choose also..

Thank you :)



Next up

Have a look at my fnaf arcade game!

AVAILABLE NOW! (Only a particular amount of tracks, more to come)

Want to bring a little shout out to a game im working on with my friend at @Lackluster_Games (Shared Account) Its called has! My game The Bite now has a server! join it and share your own art, or chat!

Hello! Take a look at my five nights at freddys fangame! there is a discord server you can find in comment of the games page, trailer soon i can assure you.. a pizza slice will be thrown at the wall #arcade

Results are in! good choice, i would like to get the demo out early next year, creating the first map has been hard enough, to make a house in this style? that will take alot of testing. More updates soon!

Final Update on Live streams.. (Last time i post about it)

The voting for the extra mode in the demo has now finished, with Plush-Trap Chaser taking the win! I will explain the mechanics and show off the ambience for the mode (as it works with the game play)

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