Freddy's Ultimate Nights: Rebebrad
14 days ago

hye prog report

so my dlc will contain two parts: 1st is bears custom night (bcn for short) it will be about bears. 2nd part is SECRET and it doesn connected to my pfp. so 1st part is about ready the onle thing is left is polishin. 2nd will take some time ig. i hope ill end it before end of the month but idk.

yey best prog report i ever done



Next up

so thers full custom night roster for bcn

big shout out to @MrCanDoFnaf this wud be impossible without his help

prog rep numero tres (part one)

my third prog report (part 2

i wud do a normal jumpscare for molten frede or normal model for him but nah

toi frede

helpe in bcn

4th prog rep

two crappy (not cpeery) fredes


hye heres fanart