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For #RetroGameDay I am definitely gonna be picking a personal classic! Jazz Jackrabbit 2! Fun Fact! My school would play this as a LAN party and that's when I started using Xana as my Gametag which came from a TV show called Code Lyoko
I am trying out a bit of science. This is relating to War Thunder quite a bit because we'll be doing Custom Games on Saturday. https://www.twitch.tv/xanapumpkinqueen
With Twitch's highlights 100 hour cap I had to create an archives channel! It's a pure VODs channel so everything is unedited but everything is safe!
My first batch of premium stickers are ready to go!!I hope you guys like them and let me know which one is your favourite? #Art #GameJoltCreator #Stickers #VTuber
For the bestest gaming sidekick/companion it definitely has to be this cutie! I absolutely love the cuddlefish!! #Subnautica #GJAsks #PumpkinOverlords
New Schedule up for this week! Also I do have a surprise for you all on Sunday, you definitely don't want to miss out on this! #Art #VTuber https://www.twitch.tv/xanapumpkinqueen
Monster hunting with Dynamike is the most hilarious thing!! #MonsterHunter #MonsterHunterWilds
Who is keen for the new update? What are you guys looking forward too? #WarThunder #WarThunderPlane
Thank you Raser!! He gifted me Monster Hunter Wilds! I will be streaming it and see if I can annoy the manager! #MonsterHunter #MonsterHunterWilds https://www.twitch.tv/xanapumpkinqueen