No, this is not an April Fools Joke, its an April Fools Joke that has gone horribly, HORRIBLY wrong.
So this April 1st, shortly after I posted my last Devlog, my roommate decided to play a prank on my and reformatted both of my External Harddrives that I normally only use to store my games downloaded from Steam while I was out getting groceries. A normally inconvenient, but harmless prank. However, what my roommate was not aware of is that I was also storing my RPGMaker Game on said Hard drives, the first one had my Main Files on it, and the second one had my Backup on it. As a result of the prank, I’ve lost everything.
Right now, the only thing I have is an Encrypted File of the game completed up until the end of Chapter 3 that I had given to a friend for play testing. From what he has said, “It works fine up until the third flashback sequence, but it freezes when the mechanism is put on the table.”
Now, I’m not angry at my friend for this, since to his knowledge I only had my Steam Games downloaded to the Harddrives, and normally it would have been a harmless prank, but now I have literally lost nearly 300 hours of work on the project I’ve been working on.
Rest assured however, I am NOT giving up on this project. While typing this up I have been contacted my RPGMaker Global Mods on RPGMaker Help Forums with a lead on how to retrieve my project.
I’ve been advised to upload what I have and hopefully from there they will be able to help me.
Stay tuned for the 0.6.99999999999999999 Update of GTLive: An Untold Story to be released after tonight’s stream.
And HOLY FRIG. GTLive also announces their Last Episode until April 26th, so if I can’t retrieve it, I have time to rebuild.