Humerus's Neutral Run Sans Fight [Archived]
2 years ago

I am still surprised this game is still getting likes and follows and yet there is no progress cause Godot is a hard engine to learn

I will try and get a devlog out as soon as I can but don't expect it will be soon



Next up

Been working on the engine

so far attacks work and some other stuff

(Yes I know it's still the V1 sprite)

It's summer time so now I can focus on this so I redesigned frisk into something?

And sorry for not working on this game as much

(This is used to show I am working on it a Devlog might come soon hopefully)

Wanted to make something not undertale related cause uh yeah

Sorry Guys for not posting much but I'm just making to much shit that I rather keep private or between friends and don't want to post it here.

Hey ik I said I'm gone and I still am. I just remembered some stuff I never posted or finished before the archive cause I feel like you guys should see it. I'll explain most of the stuff I didn't post and why in the article.

Sketch Time :P

You: When are you going to post your next spritework


Happy New Year.