6 months ago

I am the 69th Member!



Next up

Monkey .D @KniteBlargh . Everybody, After him!


Monkey .D @KniteBlargh . A pirate known throughout the sea, holding a bounty over 141,000,000!


I originally discovered star wars through some memes of a soldier falling off stairs a long time ago.

I never really watched star wars or played any game but if were to, then I'd play the lego star war games.

#HelloThere #StarWarsGame #StarWarsArt

Fiz just tweeted this today. Apparently this has something to do with that weird Twitter limit thing. (I didn't make this.)

Though I don't own it, my favorite video game console has got to be the cube of justice! The GameCube.



For the first time ever, a Fizintine artwork on GameJolt!

This is one of my favorites of his (not mine) newer artworks.

Character: Luna (Fizintine's OC)

Monkey D. @KniteBlargh !


Vidlin # 5

I'm currently having exams at the moment so the quality might be a little off.

The original, anti-YouTube version of this video I randomly thought up of.

"Do These Songs Have the Same BPM?"

Vidlin # 4

I'm going to try and release longer parts soon.