Burger Candy
11 months ago

I apologize for the delay in releasing the demo game
there was a small problem with the release of the game
now that the game has been released i hope you will like it and enjoy it



Next up

cute candy and cindy poster and tablecloths

gif jumpscare chica in the [jumpscare mode] and [jumplove mode]

test game (demo soon)

according to my calculations I should finish the game by the end of this month, (I hope) ... 😅

thank you so much @AruOrlando for the beautiful drawing 😎👌

new for next year, the game will be in 3d, including anime boobs and butts

for now this is the best I was able to do for now, the animatronic movements and the mechanics of chica and freddy are missing I will also try to make it come out for android

jumpscare foxy in the [jumpscare mode]

day 1

new office for five night at freddy girls ?

day 2