Jamie's: Phase 1
4 months ago

I apologize......

So lately my accounts have been constantly deleted by the scratch team and I have lost this games progress multiple times. And when I did have my accounts I concentrated in my other games instead wich led me to loose even the models. This time I could only save Jamie's, I had to do the other characters again. BUT I SAVED THEM ALL! Even the locations, game logo, etc. I promise to give this game the attention it needs specially with the considerable community it has formed. So, expect to see much more updates on the game!


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Most likely my pinned post....

I made some OCs cuz sometimes I get bored of the same stupid Hat.....each OC with different personalities I guess....

@Tails_Supreme speaking truths.....

Happy Feb 14 everyone! Thanks for the support the game has recieved lately. Now, some fairly bad news....

I don't agree 100% with rebelling against the Scratch Team, but I think it's unfair that they are so exaggerated with their regulations

Damn, This one def looks better

Office back finish + Test pose Po

Office done, now the boring part: AI and Cams.

Progress on Cameras.....Now to AI

A Bonnie encounter and the Cameras (Work in progress)

Also, I finally setup the Game Page for this, it is unfinished though, I will finish it when I'll have time to do so.

Unused cartoon models. Idk why I tried to make them look furry with the second one.