6 months ago

i back... yes again..... wait again?? (I have already left and returned like 4 times.......)

Se que dije que volveria a publicar cosas y eso, pero ase ya una semana se murio mi perrita laica y pues muchas cosas pasando por mi mente y muchos problemas que e tenido hicieron que no me dieran ganas de meterme en la pc a hacer algo, y asi dure unos dias.... pero ya me siento mejor mentalmente asi que pues quisa vuelvan los momos


I know I said I would republish things and that, but a week ago my lay dog ​​died and well, a lot of things were going through my mind and a lot of problems I've had made me not want to get on the PC to do something, and so it lasted a few days.... but I already feel better mentally so maybe the momos will come back



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Feddy! @JeremyGonzalez_833e

Remember guys that I speak spanish but I use the traslator to communicate with you >w<💕

All my OCs and fan/friend arts!

(Actual version of this post: 1.6)


Arian chepad

(this is my last feddy of the year)