Starting off the night you instantly turn on the Power Generator along opening your monitor and close the side vent door after pulling up the monitor to block off BB or JJ getting a FazCoin(open it right back up after the knock)
go to the vents and set the vent snare to the right side(that is optional to get a FazCoin slightly faster from withered chica) then go to the duct cam and set the audio lure to the left side with the opening on the left side, then go back to the normal cams and go to the right hall cam.
Then exit the monitor(scrap baby bay be in your office) instantly putting on your mask to avoid Golden Freddy and click on Helpy to get another FazCoin, flash your light at nightmare BB if he is looking at you. now just sit in the office blocking off Phantom Freddy, Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica, ElChip, and Old Man Consequences. Once your ventilation starts to fail turn on you heater for 3 seconds then turn back on the Power Generator along with your fan. Then close the left door along with the foward vent, reset ventilation, exit the monitor, put on the mask, and open the doors. after lowering the monitor here lissen and look at the doors and vents dealing with them at all times. repeat steps after lowering the monitor. Remember to check on scrap baby after lowering the monitor and always lissen for scrap trap
hope it helps