Friday Night Funkin' VS. Kwy

3 years ago

I can't believe I'm doing this, but, I'm planning on giving this a nice new update where the new week will have this costume party or something, and all that jazz. Long plot short, Kwy invites BF. Wonder how this'll turn out.



Next up

#PizzaTowerTurns1 I know I'm late but... hear me out. PEPPINO IN DETROIT.

Might probably add in the next VS. Kwy update. (Note how Kwy's mic is now green.)

Never thought of doing this, but... (Depends if I wanna put him in.)

Expect a Rivalry Update to come out any time soon, with a tiny bit of changes...

#FanArtFriday ngl Pokémon WAR lookin' good.

How the fuck did I not know it was yesterday, albeit in my time zone. #TurtleDay

#GJAsks Guile's theme starts playing. Run. Now.

Haha D-Side Kwy go brrr.

The D-Side mod is by philiplol, as this artwork I did is not official, as this was made out of pure boredom.

...Expect TW1ST to have flashing Blammed lights, with disco-like appendages. (Update 3 comes soon.)


Redone Kwy sprites, and stages. GreenerBean, TW1ST, and Demisery revamped. Week 2.5 Week K3 coming soon with 3 special guests? I guess...? and more.

#FanArtFriday the scrunkly kirber.