2 years ago

I couldn't go to sleep so I decided to spend my time making a forever engine styled hud down at the bottom, probably will do more with it, I don't know, if you want it I'll probably post the lua script txt into the article


function onUpdatePost()

setProperty('scoreTxt.text','Score: '..score..' • Accuracy: '..round(rating * 100, 2)..'% ['..ratingFC..'] • Combo Breaks: '..misses..' • Rank: '..ratingName..'')


function round(x, n)

n = math.pow(10, n or 0)

x = x * n

if x >= 0 then x = math.floor(x + 0.5) else x = math.ceil(x - 0.5) end

return x / n


You don't have to position it like I have in the image above but it is recommended, also make sure that it is spaced out like said image above if you want to make it easier on yourself



Next up

i still got it Die | 100% SFC i got about an hour and 30 minutes worth of footage on the 10th, totaling around 70+ attempts on that one day, none of those being 100% On the 11th after 2 tries, I got it on my 3rd


funny ragdoll number 59612417

i accidentally hit a villager trying to kill a zombie and got sneak attacked by the iron golem that didn't like that

tank from popular hit duology game series left4dead

boredom made these

Been a bit since I did something FNF related

Don't have access to my huge collection of fnf mods atm as that is on a different hard drive so I had to use Project: Afternight for this

rainbow six