One Night at Kermert's 2 Halloween Special (Unofficial)
7 months ago

I decided to update the game so here's 1.0.1 (only major things are listed) :

-New Character that replaces the fan (Play the game to find out)

-Bug Fixes

-Mobile Mode

-A New Easter Egg that can only be triggered in the weekends



Next up

@TongKui you bratwurst, why did you tell the public about my past.

i think this is gonna get cancelled soon. anyways did you know i released one of the attempts of me remastering ONAD on scratch? here's the link and some screenshots:

A Message to the kermert's community, You guys shall be prepared for something big.

my friend @TongKui asked me to do this,

literally the only reason he made me do this is that their names rhyme. OJCJ.

Merry Christmas, here's a game name reveal.

Finally beaten atlas mode on the leap year day.

happy mar10 day, here's a little meme i made inspired by the hi i'm spongebob meme.

Stabvel in a Nutshell 2 (DaKOOLSheep Edition)

It's getting closer, here's a more understandable hint.

Get ready, The Community will not expect this drop.

50k dollar mistake jumpscare